- 房地产价格在5月继续飙升。
- Property prices continued to soar in may .
- 伴随着飙升的学费的是下滑的勤奋度。
- As costs soar , diligence is tumbling .
- 美元可能会重挫,长期利率可能会飙升。
- The dollar could tumble and long-term interest rates soar .
- 直升机能够盘旋和随处着陆的能力使它成为一种极为有用的飞机。
- The ability of a helicopter to hover and land almost anywhere makes it an enormously useful machine .
- 目前的空置率在10%上下徘徊,大约是2001年水平的两倍。
- Vacancy rates currently hover at around 10 % , about double the rate in 2001 .
- 通货膨胀和腐败无法得到控制,没有言论与出版自由,军事情报间谍徘徊在每一个角落。
- Inflation and corruption are rampant , free speech and a free press are nonexistent , and spies for military intelligence hover everywhere .
- 移动互联网流量正在猛增。
- Mobile web traffic is soaring .
- 石油价格飙升抑制了消费者开支。
- Soaring oil prices crimped consumer spending .
- 难怪球迷对夺冠的预期飙升。
- Small wonder expectations are soaring .