- 即使他们缴械投降了,宪法也不允许受过审判的罪犯担任公职。
- Even if they do disarm , the constitution prevents convicted criminals from holding office .
- 他说服成千上万的右翼准军事组织解除武装,对哥伦比亚革命武装力量游击队造成了可能致命的打击。
- He persuaded thousands of right-wing paramilitaries to disarm , and has inflicted probably mortal blows on the farc guerrillas .
- 但政府还想让公众相信,用一张表格就能让贩毒团伙缴械?
- But the administration wants the public to believe that it 's going to disarm cartels with a form ?
- 他还提出了一连串的政治要求,包括在叛军控制的刚果东部地区的政府军队解除武装。
- He also set out a string of political demands , including government troops in rebe dismissed l held areas of eastern congo being disarmed .
- 他们不仅支持法律规定禁止奴隶拥有枪支,还让获得自由的黑人解除武装,那些创始人们担心他们会和自己的同伙联合起来暴动。
- Not only did they support laws prohibiting slaves from possessing guns , they also disarmed free blacks , who the founders feared might join together with their brethren in chains to revolt .
- 去年,由于当地警察向示威群众开火,尼日利亚部队便收缴了他们的武装。
- Nigerian troops disarmed local policemen last year when they started firing at demonstrators .