- 水务公司应当牢牢抓住这一机遇。
- Water companies should seize the opportunity .
- 我认为他们应该抓住这个机会。
- I think they should seize that opportunity .
- 但是,我们能够把握时机或者说我们能成功地以债务刺激消费恢复经济吗?
- But can we seize the moment or will the temptation to restore the economy with debt-fuelled consumerism prevail ?
- 其他人已经迅速对此次逮捕给予谴责。
- Others have been quick to condemn the arrest .
- 商界领袖们不可能去怒斥、解雇或拘捕子虚乌有的市场先生。
- Leaders cannot shout down , fire or arrest the non-existent mr market .
- 在油价处于低位时,更难以推动旨在阻止产量下滑的投资。
- Making the kinds of investments to arrest decline is more difficult when prices are low .