- 但是,这些限制将带来长远的代价,最终成为一个抑制增长和发展的绞索。
- But those restrictions will have long-term costs that threaten one day to become a noose that restrains growth and development .
- 一个“氪石”纽约u形锁重4.5磅,绞索链重6.8磅。
- The kryptonite new york u-lock weighs in at 4.5 pounds , and the kryptonite new york noose chain is a hefty 6.8 pounds .
- 但是主要是出于经济上的原因,他脖子上的套索正在被拉紧。
- But the noose around his neck may be tightening , mainly for economic reasons .
- 在这段时间里,手机将连续三次给一个sms简易代码发送一串数字。
- During this time , the device will send a string of numbers to an sms shortcode three times .
- 但是,表达一个不容易被描绘的抽象概念时,则可以使用一串代表其发音的字符。
- But to express an abstract idea that can 't be readily drawn , you can use a string of sounds .
- 这样实际文件名中的#将被多个url中的当前字符串代替。
- That variable will be replaced with the current string for the url being fetched .
- 大约还有六英尺,绳子就再也提不起来了。
- The rope refused to move morethan six feet or so .
- 卡里克这座绳索桥是四年前建成开放的。
- The rope bridge opened four years ago .
- 科布走近她,拉出一根黑色长绳,跪在玛尔的脚边。
- Cobb approaches , pulls out a length of black rope and kneels at mal 's feet .