- 大型并购基金(10%)
- Small buyout funds ( 37 % )
- 风投基金(6%)
- Venture capital funds ( 6 % )
- 市政债券市场资金外流创下了新高。
- Municipal bond funds experienced record outflows .
- 他们也是家庭经济的主要支出:除了支付房租或者抵押贷款,交通开支是家庭的周最大单一开支,而且这些开支的大部分都来自于汽车。
- They dominate household economies too : aside from rent or mortgage payments , transport costs are the single biggest weekly outlay , and most of those costs normally come from cars .
- 卢安达生性简朴的总统paulkagame相信第一批的花费将是值得的。
- Rwanda 's austere president , paul kagame , believes the initial outlay will be worth it .
- 在菲律宾,五角大楼利用适度的经费,就给予伊斯兰激进分子以严重打击同时强化了其同盟国(反恐)技能。
- With a modest outlay here , the pentagon has dealt a blow to islamist radicals and sharpened the skills of an ally .
- 相似的情况是比尔克林顿,在科索沃前60天的轰炸活动中,获得了国会拨发的专项款。
- Similarly , bill clinton gained a special appropriation from congress within the first 60 days of his bombing campaign in kosovo .
- 去年12月,大约30名村民聚集到一起,抗议在未给予足够补偿的情况下,占用他们的土地来修建水电站。
- Last december , about 30 villagers gathered to protest against the appropriation of their land for a hydropower station without adequate compensation .
- 负责基建资金的管理并定期核对基建拨款。
- Responsible for managing the construction fund and checking the construction appropriation periodically .
- 英特尔认为,原因在于商品积压和企业界在信息技术方面的开销增长缓慢。
- Intel blamed that on excess inventory and a slow recovery in corporate it spending .
- 过去数十年,我们花费了数千万美元。
- We 're spending tens of millions of dollars over the decades .
- 也有些投资者对贝佐斯的开支计划表示质疑。
- Some investors have been skittish about bezos ' spending .