- 这种提升能持续多久?
- How long can this continue ?
- 本周协商会持续举行。
- Those talks continue this week .
- 这一倾向很可能持续下去。
- This trend will likely continue .
- 一位州立麻醉品监督官员肯特肖估计大约4/5的大麻都是由来自墨西哥的犯罪团伙所种植。
- Kent shaw , a state narcotics officer , reckons four-fifths of outdoor marijuana plantations are run by mexican criminal gangs .
- 掌管墨西哥湾业务的尼尔肖在2008年4月凤凰城举行的高层管理人员会议上指出了这点。
- Mr. shaw , the gulf of mexico head , made the point at a meeting for top managers in phoenix in april 2008 .
- 除了在shaw公司获取的薪酬之外,通过投资该公司的基金,萨默斯的财富不断增长。
- In addition to his salary at shaw , mr. summers enjoyed growing wealth through investments in the firm 's funds .
- 她曾在富兰克林与马歇尔学院学习,致力于研究新几内亚特罗布里恩群岛本土文化。
- Her academic focus at franklin and marshall college was the native culture of the trobriand islands off new guinea .
- 在对政变表示短暂反对之后,大多数几内亚的边缘政治人物都聚拢在了卡马拉上尉周围。
- After briefly opposing the coup , most of guinea 's sidelined politicians rallied round the captain .
- 几内亚的国内生产总值只有48亿美元,该国熟练工人少、基础设施差。
- With a gross domestic product of just $ 4.8 billion , guinea has few skilled workers and woeful infrastructure .