

shaw 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Shaw

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- Kent shaw , a state narcotics officer , reckons four-fifths of outdoor marijuana plantations are run by mexican criminal gangs .
- 一位州立麻醉品监督官员肯特肖估计大约4/5的大麻都是由来自墨西哥的犯罪团伙所种植。
- Mr. shaw , the gulf of mexico head , made the point at a meeting for top managers in phoenix in april 2008 .
- 掌管墨西哥湾业务的尼尔肖在2008年4月凤凰城举行的高层管理人员会议上指出了这点。
- In addition to his salary at shaw , mr. summers enjoyed growing wealth through investments in the firm 's funds .
- 除了在shaw公司获取的薪酬之外,通过投资该公司的基金,萨默斯的财富不断增长。
- When investors rushed en masse to withdraw their money from hedge funds last year , shaw asserted its right to block redemptions from its fund .
- 去年,当投资者一窝蜂似的从对冲基金公司中提取他们的资金时,shaw公司坚持它的权利,阻止投资人赎回基金。
- Their offspring , contra george bernard shaw 's supposed quip , would have had both traits together .
- 这样的话,与萧伯纳的那个讽刺相反,他们的后代就同时拥有了那两种特征。
- Shaw is a high-stakes gambler who first gets hooked during a poker game between new york and chicago on the 20th century limited .
- 肖是个下大赌注的赌徒,在20世纪公司纽约至芝加哥的途中玩一场扑克游戏时上了圈套。
- Shaw is an artist with a difference .
- 萧是个与众不同的艺术家啊。
- Long before his writing made him rich , shaw 's money problems were solved by marrying the irish heiress in 1898 .
- 1898年,萧与这位继承了遗产的爱尔兰女人结婚,这使得萧在还没能靠写作致富的早年得以解决他的经济问题。
- Shaw 's novel has undergone quite a sea change .
- 肖伯纳的小说已经有了很重大的变化。
- More letters from your aunt shaw , inviting us to the great exhibition .
- 又是你邵姑母来的信,邀请我们去大展览会.