- 此外,小机动三轮车停在近交通号标志边,贫穷的人前来请求您舍钱。
- Besides , while the auto stop near by the traffic light , the poor person , kit come to request your cherty .
- 当他们在红绿灯旁等候的时候,他们看见一辆黑色奔驰轿车停在一边,一个无家可归的人在另一边乞讨食物。
- While waiting at a traffic light , they saw a black mercedes coupe on one side and a homeless man begging for food on the other .
- 上面说的那种反应灵敏的红绿灯将于不久在德累斯顿投入使用,苏黎世也在考虑采用这种红绿灯系统。
- The responsive traffic light system will soon be implemented in dresden , and zurich is also considering adopting the system .