- 相反,记者们被拦在一条隔离线之后,严肃的保安禁止记者们踏上那些政治明星们走过的红地毯。
- Instead , reporters were cordoned off behind a velvet rope while surly guards stopped them even stepping on the red carpet trod by the political stars .
- 波斯顿环球时报早期提出,“专科院校真的歧视亚洲血统的美国人?”最后,总结出美国的著名大学有一个“亚洲上限”。
- A boston globe article early this year asked , " do colleges redline asian-americans ? " And concluded there 's likely an " asian ceiling " at elite u. s.universities .
- 雷德兰医生说,夜间睡眠时血压下降是“正常的”。
- This nightly fall in blood pressure is a " good thing , " said dr. redline .
- 随着时间的流逝这些不健康饮食习惯会逐渐加剧最终可能会养成难改的不良习惯并造成体重增加医学博士苏珊.瑞德林(susanredline)说道.她是该项研究的高级成员也是位于波斯顿的哈佛医学院的睡眠医学教授.
- These unhealthy eating patterns can build up over time , and can lead to entrenched bad habits and weight gain , says susan redline , md , the senior author of the study and a professor of sleep medicine at harvard medical school , in boston .