- 我每每试着纠正她。
- I tried to correct her .
- 而激光手术可以纠正这两个问题。
- Laser eye surgery can correct both .
- 但公布的数据都正确吗?
- But are the numbers correct ?
- 我一意识到这一点,立即就开始纠正这种情况。
- Once I realized this , I immediately began to rectify the situation .
- 找出并纠正在此次银行业危机中世界金融体系所暴露出来的一些问题。
- To identify and rectify the weaknesses of the international financial system exposed during the banking crisis .
- 这是这个职业的一个重大失败,他们应通过更多更好的研究来纠正这个错误。
- It is a great failing of their profession , which they should rectify with more and better research .
- 12年前一份报告揭示了被偷走一代的悲惨境地,机构性虐待的其他受害人也愤而要求赔偿。
- After a report 12 years ago cast light on the plight of the stolen generations , other victims of institutional mistreatment agitated for redress as well .
- 但那些为自己失去的心爱宠物向法院索取赔偿的人们将会认识到,在法律上人与动物仍有不同。
- But pet owners turning to the courts for redress over the loss of a loved one will notice that people and animals are still different in law .
- 开发商通过强迫客户提前支付来为工程融资,如果工程烂尾的话,客户也没有补偿。
- Developers finance construction by forcing customers to pay upfront , often without redress if the project stalls .
- 但是如果说这是一时失策,那这个错误也很快得到了纠正。
- But if it is fair to call that a momentary mis-step it was soon put right .
- 听起来好像你以前没干过这种事,你感到内疚,意识到自己有一个错误想要纠正。
- It doesn 't sound like you 've done this before and you feel guilty and realise you have a problem that you want to put right .
- 但愿希腊更广泛的困境就象下列问题一样容易摆正。
- If only greece 's broader woes were as easy to put right .