Leech socks-thick canvas affairs tied tightly at the knee-stop those that climb into boots from attacking your feet .
Price for their cosmetics varies depending on the amount of leech saliva and leech extract added .
This leech is rarely seen because it is only attracted to reptiles and is of no threat to humans .
When the leech bites your skin , you will feel some burning and then see the leech making undulatory motions .
Detective insp . Mick johnston , who was involved in the police investigation from the outset , said the leech was the only forensic evidence found at the crime scene .
A quick dip in the river refreshed us until the photographer emerged with blood streaming from his side . " Leech ! "
Forensic science researcher sally kelty said the case is the first in australia - and possibly the first ever - in which investigators have used dna extracted from a bloodsucker like a leech or a mosquito to solve a crime .
As for the advantages of the leech saliva , it improves blood microcirculation and supplies oxygen to the tissues , stimulates the local immune system , antioxidant activity , eliminates pigmentation disorder , protects the skin from environment , slows down aging , makes the skin more elastic and keeps moisture .