- 但是美国的前景忽然灰暗了。
- But america 's prospects have suddenly darkened .
- 忽然,我感到有一只手搭在我的肩膀上。
- Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder .
- 那么,为什么中央银行家们忽然之间变得如此顾虑?
- So why are the central bankers suddenly worried now ?
- 这家公司已经对突然取消其开采许可证提出上诉。
- The company has appealed against the abrupt cancellation of its licence .
- 电影中也有些突如其来、上下没有关联的场景。
- There are also scenes with abrupt disconnects .
- 急剧地转变,也可能是与被适应性更强的微生物物种的侵入相联系。
- Abrupt shifts also may be linked to invasions by better - adapted species of microbes .
- 但是这次会议却被突然取消。
- But the meeting was abruptly canceled .
- 在意大利,什么事情一般都不会突然发生。
- In italy things seldom happen abruptly .
- 奥巴马突然打断了他。
- Obama abruptly cut him off .