- 诺顿罗氏法律事务所的贾斯廷戴维森注意到,许多本地人过去经常申请一些让人质疑的专利,这些专利则是由海外人员发明;现在法律的完善让这种行为更加困难。
- Justin davidson of norton rose , a law firm , also notes that locals used to file dubious patents that ripped off overseas inventions ; a change in the law makes that more difficult today .
- 研究人员贾斯廷鲁尼恩说:“除了使用喷火器外,实在没有可靠的方法来控制这种杂草。”
- " There are really no reliable ways to control this weed , short of using a flamethrower , " fellow researcher justin runyon says .
- 贾斯廷?沃尔弗斯宣称,生活满意度与收入之间的关系是“你在社会科学跨国数据中所见到的关联度最高的数据之一”。如果是这样,那何以前并不明显?
- Justin wolfers claims that the relationship between life satisfaction and income is " one of the highest correlations you 'll ever see in a cross-country data set in the social sciences , ever . " If so , why has this not been clear before ?