- 这在很大程度上是由于能源与大宗商品价格直线下跌,但却无法驱散对于可能出现通货紧缩的忧虑。
- This was largely due to plummeting energy and commodity prices , but will do nothing to dispel fears about potential deflation .
- 巴拉迪的下属们表示,看来还没有任何东西能驱散笼罩在伊朗核计划上的伊朗秘密及西方疑虑的阴影。
- Nothing mr elbaradei 's men say looks able yet to dispel the cloud of iranian secrecy and western suspicion that hovers over iran 's nuclear programme .
- geronzi先生的离职并不能打消人们对公司体制是否自由的疑惑。
- Nor does mr geronzi 's departure dispel doubts about the company 's freedom of movement .
- 她疯了似的想快速涂写支票,想赶快摆脱他。
- She had a mad urge to write a check and get rid of him .
- 让那些你喜欢的事情丰富你的生活,然后摆脱其他的一切事情。
- Fill your life with things you love and get rid of almost everything else .
- 饮食和锻炼神话#1:仰卧起坐将使你摆脱腹部脂肪。
- Diet and exercise myth # 1 : crunches will get rid of your belly fat .