- 通过安格斯的数据资料,科学家门就能几乎是实时地观察沙洲在海浪下显现,消磨,分解和其他的动态。
- Using argus data , scientists can watch , almost in real time , as sandbars appear , disappear , curve , drift , breach and otherwise act up under the camouflage of breaking waves .
- 在较浅的沿岸水域里,断波流直接冲击陆地引起振动。
- In shallow coastal waters , the breaking waves directly hit the ground and cause vibrations .
- 红四方因地制宜,采取有效措施,把握市场规律,调整销售策略,迎风浪而不退,破潮涌于两边。
- Red quartet conditions , and take effective measures to grasp the laws of the market , adjusting the sales strategy , not to reclaim the wind and waves , breaking waves on both sides .