- 射一支箭的时间是40秒。
- And you have 40 seconds to shoot each arrow .
- 如果丘比特手不由己,他的箭就可能射偏。
- When cupid 's hand is forced , his arrow is liable to misfire .
- 当你被丘比特的箭射中后,你立马就开始产生妄想了。
- When you 're hit by cupid 's arrow , you effectively become delusional .
- 当时的作家们描写到大街小巷上随处堆积着人和动物的粪便,散发着恶臭的河流几乎被垃圾所填满。
- Writers at the time described huge piles of human and animal excrement collecting in the streets and fetid rivers almost solid with waste .
- 他们的排泄物是一种已知的抗原,会造成严重的呼吸问题。
- Their excrement is a known allergen which can cause serious breathing problems .
- 解开它们逃脱资源诅咒的秘密,将令无数民众免受“魔鬼排泄物”的毒害。
- Unlocking the secret of their escape from the resource curse could spare millions from the devil 's excrement .
- 科鲁瓦村,用作煮饭燃料的粪饼堆。
- Stacks of dung cakes , used as cooking fuel , in the village of kohlua .
- 13/15苏丹.纳西尔:努尔部落的牛笼罩在驱散昆虫的粪烟之中。
- 13 / 15 Nasir , sudan : cattle belonging to the nuer tribe are shrouded in dung smoke to keep insects away
- 正如世界上最昂贵的咖啡,是由菲律宾树上一种啮齿类动物的没有消化完全的咖啡豆制成,史上最昂贵的茶即将由熊猫粪制作完成。
- Just as the world 's fanciest coffee is made from the partially digested coffee beans plucked from a filipino tree rodent 's poop , the world 's fanciest tea will soon be created from the dung of panda bears .
- 性、死亡、粪便和恶心的食物都带有某种兽性的意味。
- Sex death feces and bad food all smacked of animality .
- 暗沉的尿液和粪便也正是由于这些毒素引起的。
- It is these toxins that lead to the dark urine and feces .
- 这个想法就让人倒胃口:用人类粪便制造食物。
- The mere idea is stomach-churning : creating food from human feces .
- 从未向他宣誓效忠过。
- Did I swear allegiance to him .
- 你愿意在法庭上宣誓说你曾看见他做那件事了吗?
- Eg. are you willing to swear in court that you saw him do it ?
- 我发誓这和我昨天刚刚写的女性享乐的商业推广是单纯的巧合。
- I swear it 's a mere coincidence that I wrote about the commercialization of female pleasure just yesterday .
- 不同于其他火箭,飞行中,猎鹰9号的上下级不使用爆炸螺栓分离。
- Unlike other rockets , falcon 9 's upper and lower stages do not use explosive bolts to separate mid-flight .
- 世贸组织专家小组的立场,并非全盘否定针对螺栓或其它任何产品类别的反倾销关税。
- The wto panel 's stance does not strike down anti-dumping duties for bolts or any other category of products .
- 同样的方法对锈蚀的螺母和螺栓同样有效。
- The same treatment is equally effective at removing the rust from corroded nuts and bolts .
- adobeillustrator是许多职业画家和设计者都爱用的一款多功能矢量图软件。
- Adobe illustrator is a versatile vector illustration application that 's preferred by many professional artists and designers .
- 最佳的8位向量图形算法
- Graphics algorithm becomes 8-bit vector perfecter
- 它通过综合ads-b状态向量、飞行器目标和其它信息,来减少非必要的警报频率。
- It will also reducing unnecessary alarm rate by incorporating the ads-b state vector , aircraft intent , and other information .