- 韩国的反应是克制的。
- South korea 's response was restrained .
- 市场的当即反应是克制的。
- The immediate market reaction has been restrained .
- 但是政府对爆炸案的态度是克制的。
- Yet the government 's response to the blast was restrained .
- 没有子女又结婚了两次,这位基督教民主联盟主席,总是表现得矜持和低调。
- Childless and twice married , the chairwoman of the christian democratic union often comes off as reserved and self-effacing .
- 女孩子矜持久了很累的,独自一人的时候,肆无忌惮一次吧。
- Girls reserved for a long time is very tired . When you stay alone you can be unbridled once .
- 结果显示,含蓄受试者大脑的纹状体区域,也即与奖赏相关的区域,其活跃度是外向组的两到三倍。
- The reserved subjects showed two to three times more activity in the striatum region of the brain which is associated with reward than did the more outgoing ones .
- 人们根据这一方法以及它与旧齿轮的关系把该试验称为“齿轮周节试验”。
- From this technique and the relation to an old cog wheel , the test was called a cog ging test .
- 哈马斯人员憎恨约翰经的权力,因而称其为“将军”。
- Resenting his power , hamas people call mr ging " the general " .
- 庆胜电子塑胶制品(香港)有限公司。
- Ging sheng electronic & plastic products ( hong kong ) limited .