- 你今天看见may了吗?
- Did you see may today ?
- 您能看清楚东西吗?
- Can you see objects clearly ?
- 你可以经常见到他。
- You will see him often .
- 我听见了丢丢和乌托邦似乎在说话,我走了过去,看看他们现在的状况如何。
- I heard it looked like diu diu and hong se was talking , I went to them to look at what condition they were in .
- 考虑到安全因素,古月他们临时改变了策略,让我丢下帐篷等重的东西,轻装穿越,但也不可以不背包,而且包不能是空的,于是把几乎拿空了乌托邦包里东西,把充气的枕头塞进去了。
- Gu ye changed the policies for safety , told diu diu and I took out the heavy stuff like our tents so that we could go ahead easily , but we could not carry nothing , our backpacks could not be empty , so in hong se 's backpack , just one air pillow was put in .
- 有资料指汕瑶人实际上是操广东的一种方言称高地瑶话,不过虽然部份汕瑶人可能说高地瑶话,但大部份都是说粤语的。
- Some sources have reported that the san diu actually speak another dialect from guandong called iu mien . But , though some san diu may speak iu mien , most probably speak yue .
- 但是她又伤害了多利亚.
- But she hurt tor again .
- 我不是在问你天气报告。
- I 'm not looking tor a weather report .
- 可怜的鲍勃因今天早上迟到而被狠了一顿。
- Poor old bob got it in the neck tor being late this morning .