- miliband先生还应该劝说其目光短浅的党派接受联盟党的计划,更多的建设学校和医疗中心。
- Mr miliband should ditch his party 's myopic opposition to the coalition 's plans for more plurality in schools and health care .
- 只着眼于企业安全与健全的稳定机制是短视的。
- A stability regime focused solely on the safety and soundness of firms would be myopic .
- 虽然看起来有点儿矛盾,但一个只看电影盲目排外的影评人只能写出闭关自守、目光短浅的文章来。
- Although this may seem contradictory , the film critic who only watches films to the exclusion of all other pursuits will deliver introverted , myopic reviews .