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Mr miliband should ditch his party 's myopic opposition to the coalition 's plans for more plurality in schools and health care .
A stability regime focused solely on the safety and soundness of firms would be myopic .
Although this may seem contradictory , the film critic who only watches films to the exclusion of all other pursuits will deliver introverted , myopic reviews .
Their contempt for the tories as " myopic , ignorant little englanders " was matched only by their fear that david cameron 's party was hellbent on destroying the european union .
Few took notice , however , and the little englander 's myopic view of the world that only local events matter continued to dominate newspaper columns and blogs .
Yet in the absence of concerted local pressure for financial support from tokyo , the central government appears stuck in the comforting rituals of parliamentary squabbling with a myopic opposition .
This view may also be myopic , but for now the united states is on its back foot and under increasing pressure to readjust its global position .
None is without redeeming features ; nabilah 's gentle love for her grandmother tempers her petulance ; boozed-up nassir , nur 's brother , buys glasses for soraya , his bookish but myopic cousin , in defiance of his elders .
When we disregard our emotions , as we do in the corporate world , we cannot access what we have learnt from our past experience and our thinking becomes myopic and short term .
With europe again imposing its will on the rest of the imf membership , she will need to hit the ground running if her tenure is to bring about institutional transformation , and not maintain a myopic approach to a critical international post .