- 柯林斯患了风湿病、痛风和维多利亚时代特有的“神经痛”,为减轻病痛他对鸦片上了瘾。
- Collins suffered from rheumatism , gout and the peculiarly victorian affliction of " nerves " , which led to his over-reliance on laudanum .
- 战争物资供给的紧张节奏最终让柯尔特患上了慢性风湿,这位47岁的枪械制造商于1862年1月10日在家中逝世,留下了价值数百万的遗产。
- The strain of supplying the war effort eventually took its toll on colt . Suffering from chronic rheumatism , the 47-year-old gun manufacturer died at his home on january 10 , 1862 , leaving behind an estate worth millions .
- 海豚油口服药每小瓶卖到大约25美元,一位女商贩解释说,它能用以治疗风湿病。
- The dolphin oil potion , which sells for about $ 25 a small bottle , is used to treat rheumatism , a saleswoman explained .
- 我们本周的调查报告解读了大选背后的阴郁背景。
- Our survey this week explains the gloomy background to that election .
- 但这似乎并不能使公众面对阴郁的经济前景时有多一丝的快乐。
- But it is unlikely to make people any happier about gloomy economic prospects .
- 在黯淡的经济环境中,债券市场是华尔街的一个亮点。
- The bond market is a bright spot for wall street in an otherwise gloomy environment .
- 他的谋士劝他多忍耐几天,说不定刘备的军队很快就来了。
- His counselor advised him to hold out and maybe liu bei 's troops would come soon .
- 贝:和我在一起你开心吗?
- Bei : are you happy with me ?
- 贝:让你的身材看上去更棒。
- Bei : make your body look nice .