- 采矿公司阵营表示这种所谓的扭曲实际上是加强了。
- Mining companies say the so-called distortion is in fact a strength .
- 但是这样的回报将增加市场的另一个补贴扭曲。
- But such payments would add another subsidy distortion to the market .
- 我主张,如果只是依样模仿自然科学,只会导致人类和社会现象的失真。
- I contend that the slavish imitation of natural science inevitably leads to the distortion of human and social phenomena .
- 然而,这些结肠癌患者往往有一个额外的遗传畸变,可以用一种不同的药物治疗,阻断一种称为egfr的细胞蛋白的功能。
- But these colon cancer patients often have an additional genetic aberration that can be attacked with a different drug , one that blocks the function of a cell protein , egfr .
- 有一种叫herceptin的药物对带有过多erbb2基因的乳腺癌病人有帮助,这种药物也可能能够帮助有同样畸变的结肠癌患者。
- A drug , herceptin , which greatly helps breast cancer patients with too many erbb2 genes , might also help colon cancer patients with the same aberration .
- 这意味着年度化的萎缩率达到将近13%,而且这并非一个季度的数据偏差。
- That makes for an annualised rate of contraction of almost 13 per cent , yet was not a quarterly aberration .
- 在这些处所,鸡只被置于层架式鸡笼里,非常小并且层板是倾斜的,这导致严重的不适和足部的变形。
- In these facilities the birds are held in battery cages that are very small with slanted wire floors which cause severe discomfort and foot deformation .
- noaa必须计算地震是否在发生在海洋盆地,海底可能的形变和地震所造成的(地壳)运动,rondenay说。
- Noaa must determine whether the quake happened in an ocean basin , the likely deformation of the ocean floor , and what kind of motion was created by the quake , rondenay says .
- 剑桥大学两极海洋物理小组(应用数学和理论物理系http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/)的科学家nicktoberg和tillwagner正在实验海冰形变和如何产生压力脊。
- Scientists nick toberg and till wagner of the university of cambridge 's polar oceans physics group , department of applied mathematics and theoretical physics ( http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/ ) are examining deformation of sea ice and how this creates pressure ridges .
- 在挪威,极端暴力行为被视为反常事件,而非国家腐烂的症状。
- In norway , acts of extreme violence are seen as aberrant events , not symptoms of national decay .
- 如今,这个反常的买家再度归来,只不过样子有些不同,而且仅仅出现在香港。
- Now the aberrant buyer is returning , in a different guise and only in hong kong .
- 现在股价上涨而大宗商品价格下跌表明,历史上二者的反常关联正在减弱,我们正在回归常态。
- That equities are rising while commodities slow shows that historically aberrant correlations are reducing , and we are returning to normality .