- 他说,宣传攻势包括在广告牌上张贴两人的照片,以及在14座城市播放针对格雷格的公益广告。
- The effort included plastering pictures of the pair on billboards and running public-service announcements focused on ms. greig in 14 cities , he said .
- 在派出所内部,熏黑的墙壁约有一半已被重新粉刷,工人们正忙碌地填补楼梯上的最后一些弹孔。
- Inside , about half of the blackened walls had already been repainted and workers were busy plastering over the last bullet holes in the staircase .
- 我不禁走到画案前铺上宣纸,拿起颤动的笔蘸着黄色和一点点朱红,将这扇明亮的小窗子抹在纸上。
- I could not help but to walk to the front of my painting desk , spreading the painting paper , taking up the dithered writing brush and dipping it with some yellow color and a little of vermeil , and then plastering the bright little window on the paper .
- 如今,joshua正在学习砖瓦活,他已经3年没和犯罪扯上关系了。
- Today joshua is taking part in a bricklaying course and has not been involved in crime for three years .
- 从设计到施工一体运作化,公司具有专业的水和电、瓦工、木工、油漆工、及安装工。
- Run to construction an organic whole from the design change , the water and electricity that the company has major , bricklaying , carpentry , painter , reach installation worker worker .
- 为了获得尽可能廉价的劳动力,西印度公司有时候还会培训一些奴隶成为熟练的劳工,比如木工、瓦匠之类的。
- In pursuit of getting the cheapest labor force possible , the company sometimes trained slaves in skilled labor such as carpentry and bricklaying .
- 就不在屋里铺砖。
- Is not in the room tiling .
- 不过更早开始,彭罗斯拼图就已使用在装饰里,伊斯兰艺术家对其特别偏好。
- Penrose tiling has , however , been widely used in the past for decoration , particularly by islamic artists .
- 然后这个团队将目光放在了更复杂也更加吸引眼球的领域2d中名为“短平六边形瓷砖”的手性晶格(同上图)。
- The team then set its sights on a more complicated and visually appealing 2d chiral lattice called " snub hexagonal tiling " ( see images above ) .
- 就不在屋里铺砖。
- Is not in the room tiling .
- 不过更早开始,彭罗斯拼图就已使用在装饰里,伊斯兰艺术家对其特别偏好。
- Penrose tiling has , however , been widely used in the past for decoration , particularly by islamic artists .
- 然后这个团队将目光放在了更复杂也更加吸引眼球的领域2d中名为“短平六边形瓷砖”的手性晶格(同上图)。
- The team then set its sights on a more complicated and visually appealing 2d chiral lattice called " snub hexagonal tiling " ( see images above ) .