- 哈罗德和艾丽卡并不那么有趣,而且他们的确妨碍了布鲁克斯其他的吸引人的论证。
- Harold and erica are not that interesting , and they do get in the way of mr brooks 's otherwise intriguing argument .
- 艾丽卡唯一一次给她的女儿性方面的建议,还是因为莫丽的儿时伙伴过来咨询。
- The only time erica risked giving sex advice to her daughter was when she was asked for some by one of molly 's childhood friends .
- 他死后,长着一头“短短的、有主见的、知性的”头发的哲学家艾丽卡,从悉尼派来评价安迪尔的工作。
- After he dies , erica , a philosopher whose hair is " short , determined , academic " , is sent from sydney to appraise his work .