- 人们待她友好但有些拘谨,美貌在这个简朴的新英格兰地区没有非常被看重。
- They were friendly but refreshingly reserved toward her ; a beautiful face didn 't place very high on the scale of austere new england values .
- 大多数韩国人颧骨突出,下巴短,这样的脸型就不好看。
- Most koreans have prominent boney foreheads and short jaws-which do not make for a beautiful face .
- 据我在图画上所看见的西洋作家,脸孔最漂亮的当推吉斯透顿。
- The most beautiful face among western authors , so far as I have seen them in pictures , was that of g.k. chesterton .