- 当然是赢一场足球赛。
- To win a football game of course .
- 你输了一场篮球赛吗?
- Did you lose a basketball game ?
- 然后我们观看了一场棒球赛。
- Then it 's off to the baseball game .
- 卡钦斯基兄弟在不善于猎取贪污腐败者,但他们的猎物却是现实存在的。
- The kaczynskis were clumsy in their corruption-hunting , but their quarry was real .
- 这些斑驳不清的照片中,一个被认为是偷猎者的人走近他的猎物,明显看出先割断它的喉咙然后给帮凶打了电话。
- These grainy photographs show the man , who some believe to be a poacher , striding towards his quarry and apparently cutting its throat before phoning an accomplice .
- 尽管挪威、美国和俄罗斯禁猎北极熊,但在允许猎杀的格陵兰和加拿大,乘着直升机的猎人和驾着雪地摩托的因纽特人都使用大杀伤力自动步枪来放倒他们的猎物。
- Although banned in norway , america and russia , the killing continues in greenland and canada , where hunters in helicopters and skidoo-riding inuit indians both use high-powered assault rifles to bring down their quarry .