- 若老人一旦发生晕厥,意识不清者,除应立即将患者移至空气流通处平卧,并指掐人中、合谷穴,同时数数脉搏,观察一会儿。
- Once produce syncope , be like an old person , unconsciousness person , except should move the patient to be made the same score to airiness place instantly lie , point to clutch philtrum , acupuncture point adding up to cereal , count pulse with duration , observe a little while .
- 民主机制所需要的那种受过教育的、见识多广的公民很难被蒙骗,既得利益者也不能肆无忌惮地牵着他们的鼻子走。
- An educated , well-informed population , the kind that a functioning democracy requires , would be difficult to lie to , and could not be led by the nose by the various vested interests running amok in this country .
- 卡莱尔的一名主教据称说了比赛中前所未有的最大谎言,他只说了这句话:“我这辈子从来没说过一句谎话。”
- A bishop of carlisle reportedly holds what may be the greatest lie of all time in the competition , simply stating , " I have never told a lie in my life . "