- 这可以解释泡沫如何形成。
- That explains why bubbles can form .
- 欧元区能否以当前形态继续存在?
- Will the eurozone survive in its current form ?
- 这问题以新的方式出现了。
- The problem has assumed a new form .
- 那些关着我们的形状的线?
- The shape that shuts us in ?
- 也有助于保持蔬菜的形状。
- It also helps preserve their shape .
- 索托马约尔将如何影响最高法院的形态目前还难以辨认。
- How ms sotomayor will shape the court is hard to discern .
- 为自己的婚姻状况感到担忧?
- Worried about the state of your marriage ?
- 不同的状态则需要一个新对象。
- Different state requires a new object .
- 佛吉尼亚是个摇摆州。
- Virginia is a swing state .
- 这一状况类似于人类的低落情绪。
- This condition could be similar to human depression .
- 这种状况对于你的视力是很有害的。
- This condition is harmful for your eyes .
- 这似乎是一个相当合理的条件。
- That seems an eminently sensible condition .
- 许多伦敦的街道都在讲述着大不列颠的历史。
- Many of london 's streets help narrate british history .
- 或者,叙述一个你在看她,她没有觉察的时刻。
- Or narrate a moment in which she was unaware that you were watching her .
- 讲一个只有你们两个知道的故事,或者叙述一个你在她未察觉是观察她的情境。
- Tell a story that only the two of you know . Or narrate a moment in which she was unaware that you were watching her .
- 萼檐盘状的或斜喇叭状,3浅裂。
- Calyx limb discoid or obliquely trumpet-shaped , 3-lobed .
- 圆柱状的退化雄蕊,先端全缘,绕行或者盘状。
- Staminodes terete , apex entire , rounded or discoid .
- 花柱长柱头膨大,盘状,盾形,或者2-4。
- Style long ; stigma inflated , discoid , peltate , or 2-4-lobed .
- 花序聚伞状的或差不多头状;花在轴周围安排。
- Inflorescences cymose or nearly capitate ; flowers arranged around the axis .
- 花柱非常短或不明显,柱头头状。
- Style very short or obscure , stigma capitate .
- 花柱短;柱头头状到稍3浅裂的。
- Style short ; stigma capitate to slightly 3-lobed .