

inconvenience 变化形式
复数: inconveniences
第三人称单数: inconveniences
过去式: inconvenienced
过去分词: inconvenienced
现在分词: inconveniencing
inconvenience 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And it is not just an inconvenience , it could also be a nightmare to insure .
- 这所带来的不只是一种不便,还着实是一场噩梦。
- Hating your job is not an inconvenience , it 's a serious problem .
- 讨厌你的工作不紧是个麻烦,也是个严重的问题。
- He apologized for the inconvenience of leaving all the wedding cancellations to me and then quickly left town .
- 他对把取消婚礼的所有麻烦留给我表示歉意,然后很快离开了这个城镇。
- If phone calls do not lie , scotland could secede from the rest of britain without causing much inconvenience .
- 如果电话的通话没有说谎,那么苏格兰可以在不引起诸多麻烦的情况下分离独立出不列颠。
- But to keep asking troops to fight and die in afghanistan to avoid electoral inconvenience is immoral .
- 但仅仅为了避免在选举时陷入麻烦,就继续让军队在阿富汗作战和牺牲,委实有些不道德。
- That will mildly inconvenience internet pimps , but they will soon move to new websites .
- 此举将对网络皮条客造成轻微不便,但他们会迅速转移到新的站点。
- And what can the traveller do to minimise the confusion involved and the inconvenience caused ?
- 对于旅客而言,他们怎么才能让飞机晚点导致的混乱和不便降至最低呢?
- Since the american legal system was originally based on english common law , that would be an inconvenience .
- 因为美国的司法体系最初来源于英国普通法,所以这或许将带来不便。
- Despite the inconvenience , he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish .
- 尽管有诸多不便,但是他知道,雨会为他的庄稼带来繁茂生长所需的营养。
- We had argued that the games would be a waste of money and a great inconvenience to our home city .
- 我们反而认为这场赛事既会浪费金钱,又会给我们的城市带来巨大的不便。