- 愤世嫉俗者会这样回答:那种相对优势大体上是虚幻的,纽约、伦敦和苏黎世等地银行家的技能具有如此大的破坏性,他们几乎配不上这个名称。
- The cynic 's response would be that the comparative advantage was largely illusory anyway and that the skills of bankers in new york , london and zurich were so destructive that they scarcely merited the name .
- 为什么你总是非的如此愤世嫉俗?
- Must you always play the cynic ?
- 我不是愤世嫉俗者,我是个现实主义者。
- I 'm not a cynic . I 'm a realist .
- 但阴谋论是自动生成的,懒惰的犬儒主义。
- But conspiracy theories are kneejerk , lazy cynicism .
- 这个星球可消受不起这种玩世不恭的做法。
- And the planet can 't afford that kind of cynicism .
- 它同时显示了farc对它的人质们的玩世不恭的态度。
- It also shows the farc 's cynicism about the plight of its hostages .
- 英国广播公司的佐伊康威说,愤世嫉俗者也许会说这其中夹杂着不少政治用心。
- The bbc 's zoe conway says cynics may say there is more than a bit of politics in the mix .
- 犬儒派认为埃文贝赫也担心在11月的中期选举中败下阵来(尽管民调显示他处于领先地位)。
- Cynics think mr bayh was also worried about being beaten in november ( though he was ahead in the polls ) .
- 怀疑论者认为这个国家由于腐败而无可救药。
- Cynics see the country as irredeemably corrupt .