- 查拉图斯特拉不再做羊群的牧人和牧羊犬。
- Zarathustra shall not be the herd 's herdsman and hound !
- 牧民侯赛因阿卜杜拉(husseinabdullah)告诉我,马加拉赫遭到袭击时,他正在照看一群山羊和骆驼。
- Hussein abdullah , a herdsman , told me that he had been tending a herd of goats and camels when al majalah was hit .
- “对我们来说,这个边界从来就不能代表什么,我们没其他地方可以去了,”一个不愿意透露姓名的牧人说,在3年里他失去了250头牲畜。
- " The border has never meant anything to us , " said one kenyan herdsman , whose name was withheld for his protection . He lost 250 animals over the last three years . " There was no place else for me to go , " he said .
- 这些主要是牧民和农牧区。
- These are mainly pastoralist and agro-pastoralist areas .
- 牛津饥荒救济委员会成功地游说了政府,支持社区提出要求,要求在领地发展委员会上给牧民一个代表席位,以便将牧民的利益纳入考虑。
- Oxfam successfully lobbied the government and supported the community to demand that a pastoralist representative sit on the district development committee so that their concerns are taken into account .
- 匈奴人一个游牧民族的成员,该民族公元4至5世纪入侵欧洲,455年被打败。
- A member of a nomadic pastoralist people who invaded europe in the fourth and fifth centuries a.d. and were defeated in 455 .
- 在抗议运煤车的污染和噪音,堵塞通过村子的公路时,一名牧民被杀。
- The herder was killed while blocking the road through his village during a protest against noise and pollution from coal trucks
- 一位在耶路撒冷附近放牧的牧民正在吹奏小曲,这里离当年大卫放牧羊群的地方只有几公里。
- A herder serenades his goats near jerusalem , a few miles from where david tended his herds .
- 每个牧民都为了获取狭隘的利益而不断地增加更多的奶牛,因为每个牧民都享有额外奶牛的所有利益,而额外奶牛对牧场的影响却由所有的牧民共同分担。
- It was in each herder 's narrow interest to keep adding more cows , since each enjoyed all the benefits of an extra cow , while the effects of the extra cow on the pasture were shared by all .