These are mainly pastoralist and agro-pastoralist areas .
Oxfam successfully lobbied the government and supported the community to demand that a pastoralist representative sit on the district development committee so that their concerns are taken into account .
A member of a nomadic pastoralist people who invaded europe in the fourth and fifth centuries a.d. and were defeated in 455 .
An estimated ninety percent of the meat eaten in east africa comes from pastoralist herds .
I worked in northern kenya , trying to help struggling pastoralist communities survive successive droughts .
I met tede lokapelo , a pastoralist who described the stark reality of a six-year drought .
A pastoralist takes sheep and goats to graze in napetasikiria
Fighting between desperate pastoralist groups has already increased .
The escalating collapse of the pastoralist way of life is having a profound social impact on the dropouts , those on the verge of dropping out , and the few settled communities in the region .