- 她真希望本日早上她的闹钟响了。
- She really wishes her clock hadvert rung .
- 汤姆今天早上打了三次电话了。
- Tom has rung up three times this morning .
- 今天上午汤姆已经打了三次电话了。
- Tom has rung three times this morning already .
- 下一回合也未必能表现得更好。
- The next round may not fare much better .
- 多哈回合贸易谈判已经搁置。
- The doha trade round has stalled .
- 有人怀疑这一回合的结果么?
- Was the outcome of this round ever in doubt ?
- 可能正是因为太用力,球打在横梁上。
- Just as solidly , it hit the crossbar .
- 他的传中让里查德-琼斯有了大力头槌的机会,但却被横梁拒之门外。
- His cross was met with a powerful header from richard jones , which rebounded off the crossbar .
- 包括二个直立的东西和标志横线的框架;队通过踢这个球得分在直立的东西之间。
- Frame consisting of two uprights and a crossbar ; a team scores points by kicking the ball between the uprights .
- 所以跟雪再见向太阳问好!
- So good-bye snow and hello sun !
- 在如此低温下,山上的积雪难以快速地融化。
- With low temperatures , mountain snow didn 't melt quickly .
- 多数年份,第一场积雪会在圣诞前后降下。
- In most years , the first accumulating snow occurs here around christmastime .