- 这是1983年欧洲原子核研究组织发现的w和z玻色子情况。
- This was the case with the w and z bosons , particles discovered at cern in 1983 .
- 这些都是位于新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基的桑迪亚国家实验室中z机器的能力。
- Such are the extremes within the z machine at sandia national laboratories in albuquerque , new mexico .
- 因为w玻色子和z玻色子是共同来调整弱核力,所以总共有四种玻色子。
- There are four bosons because the w boson and z boson work together to mediate the weak nuclear force .
- 不幸的是,即使充足的浸泡,也不能填满这些焦渴的土地。
- Unfortunately even a good soaking won 't fill up these parched aquifers .
- 数月之后,几百公里长的沟渠和管道将从长江流域引水至焦渴的北方。
- In coming months , canals and pipelines hundreds of kilometres long will bring water from the yangzi river basin to the parched north .
- 尽管如此,负责抗旱赈灾的领导干部表示,目前土地仍旧干渴,三峡库区还需要放水归田,这恐怕会进一步影响到大坝的供电能力。
- But officials overseeing drought relief have said that the fields are still parched and are pushing for more water to be released , which would further affect the dam 's power production ability .