Marion 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And no one was more in demand or more prolific from 1915 through the late 1930s than frances marion .
- 从1915年到20世纪30年代晚期,没有人比弗朗西斯.马里昂更受欢迎和作品多产。
- In it , he recounts a whopping two weeks spent in 1861 with a confederate militia in marion county , missouri .
- 在小说里,他描述了他1861年在密苏里马里恩县和南方军队度过的惊心动魄的两周。
- You gotta get this ceiling painted sometime , marion .
- 你必须找个时间把天花板画上,马里昂。
- Marion eals and irwin silverman of york university have conducted research suggesting that women are sixty to seventy per cent more proficient than men at remembering details from a scene .
- 约克大学的马里昂伊尔斯和欧文西尔弗曼所进行的研究表明,女性对细节的现场记忆能力,要比男性熟练60%至70%。
- I only cheated on marion once .
- 我只骗过玛丽恩一次。
- Marion morehouse , in black , was one of steichen 's favorite models .
- 身穿黑色礼服的马里恩.莫尔豪斯是史泰钦最喜欢的模特之一。
- The inspiration for this post comes from marion arathoon of livemint.com , who wrote an excellent article outlining how brands such as coca-cola and mcdonald 's are deploying social media .
- 这个帖子的灵感来自livemint.com的马里恩.阿拉松,他写了一篇描述可口可乐和麦当劳之类的品牌是如何利用社会化媒体的妙文。
- That marion 's question , or is that your question ?
- 那是marion的问题,还是你的问题?
- So marion 's motive is love , and her victim is a creep .
- 因此玛丽莲的动机是出于爱,而她的受害人是个卑鄙小人。
- Marion stephenson 's husband took her on adateto afieldnear their home , where he presented her with maggie , a two-year-old donkey .
- 玛丽安.斯蒂芬森的丈夫带着她去了家附近的农田里面去约会,就是在那里他把一头名叫玛姬两岁左右的小驴儿。