- 以色列医务人员撤离汹涌的2010年12月2日在靠近以色列北部城市海法卡梅尔森林火灾现场一警察严重烧伤。
- Israeli medics evacuate a badly burned police officer from the site of raging fire in the carmel forest near israel 's northern city of haifa on december 02 , 2010 .
- 王睿《加油!东方天使》上演烈火激吻。
- The farsighted king oiling east angel performs the exciting kiss of raging fire .
- 几天之中,地底下的煤矿开始燃烧出熊熊大火,即使50年之后,火焰还为被熄灭。
- Within days a raging fire began to burn in the coal mines below the city , and almost 50 years later , it has yet to be extinguished .
- 据官方媒体新华社报道,上海警方拘捕了12名引发火灾的嫌疑人,其中包括四名无照电焊工人,以及工程项目负责人和建筑施工管理人员。
- Shanghai police have also detained 12 people in connection with the blaze , including four unlicensed welders , as well as project supervisors and building construction managers , according to the state-run xinhua news agency .
- 在国家饼干公司建筑物附近的第15街西,消防船在格蕾斯线海港(gracelinepier)57号与火焰奋战。
- Fire boats fight a blaze at grace line pier 57 , west 15th st , near the national biscuit co. building .
- 来自视觉科学家西蒙戈里和盖汉堡在德国弗莱堡大学时的创作,这是一个新颖的将英格玛效应与布里吉特莱利的火焰效果结合起来的变形。
- The rotating-tilted-lines illusion , by vision scientists simone gori and kai hamburger , then at the university of freiburg in germany , is a novel variation of the enigma effect and bridget riley 's blaze .
- 你要干嘛,想在烈火祭上挑战我吗?
- Are you going to do , challenge me to an agni kai ?
- 阿格尼:等待一个比我们更强的人。
- Agni : for someone stronger than us .
- 萨拉斯瓦特说当前关注的焦点在微调上,让烈火导弹能够应对潜在对手的反弹道导弹系统。
- Saraswat said the current focus was on fine-tuning the agni missiles to defeat anti-ballistic missile systems of potential adversaries .