- 他比政客更擅长记名字,诡计多端,并且为他同意代言的影片代言时燃烧着火一般的激情。
- He remembers names better than a politician is crafty in his strategies and burns with a fiery zeal on behalf of those films he consents to represent .
- 印度从原来缓慢经济,狡黠管理的问题发展到现在出现系统性的坏账问题,尽管如此,这也算一个飞跃。
- It is a big leap , though , from a slowing economy and a crafty regulator to a systemic bad-debt problem .
- 华懋慈善基金的法律团队一直试图将陈振聪形容为“精于算计且诡计多端”,并称他伪造了自己的家庭、教育和职业背景。
- The foundation 's legal team has sought to portray mr chan as " calculated and crafty " , and has argued that he misrepresented his family , educational and professional backgrounds .
- 你们还记得狐狸小姐吗?
- You guys remember foxy lady ?
- 所有的事情摩擦混合的狡猾的主权。
- Every thing rub mixed foxy sovereignty .
- 来哪里啊,你这狡滑的狐狸?
- Drop in where , you foxy bitch ?