- 沿着公路爬上米西奥内斯省中部一道道森林覆盖的山脉,眼前的色彩变得异常鲜亮,鲜亮到显得有些不自然,草和树饱满的翠绿色衬托着深铁锈红的土壤。
- As the road climbed into the forested folds of misiones 's central sierras , the colors seemed unnaturally bright , the saturated emerald of grass and leaves standing out against the earth 's deep , rusty red .
- 父亲的皮肤早已被无情的炎炎烈日灼伤,黝黑的脸庞上依旧透露两只明亮深情的眼眸,家庭赋予独一无二的身影,我看见父亲正迎着朝阳执鞭把犁;看见父亲行走在稻花扑鼻田野上,脸上映着丰收的喜悦……
- What I saw was a man with burnt skin two bright and deep eyes shining on that swart face . That shadow entrusted by his family was ploughing under the rising sun ; I saw him walking on the field brimming with rice scent and wearing a face of joy for the great foison .
- 这一物种的雄性和雌性之间存在着一些惊人的差异;雌性体型更大,头部有一条细而呈白色或蓝白色的条纹,眼睛呈深黄色;雄性体型较短,头部有一条红色条纹,眼睛呈鲜红色或深红色。
- There are some striking differences between the males and females of this species ; females reach a greater size , with a thin , white or whitish-blue streak on the head , and deep yellow eyes ; males are shorter , have a red stripe on the head , and bright red or deep red eyes