- 当记者以手机联络到博智的财务长罗伯摩尔斯时,他拒绝发表意见。
- Primus financial chairman robert morse declined to comment when reached on his mobile phone .
- 西德尼莫尔斯说,在巴尔莫勒尔,女王在家人朋友的簇拥下身体微微前倾,朝着留声机话筒大致的方向说了几句话。
- But surrounded by family and friends at balmoral sydney morse declared victoria unbent enough to speak a few words in the general direction of the graphophone 's mouthpiece .
- 摩尔斯电码是相同的。
- Morse code is the same .
- 玛丽父亲罗伯特去伦敦见律师马里,他长得像只海象。
- Robert , mary 's father , goes to london to meet with his lawyer murray , who looks like a walrus .
- 通过颠倒这个单词变成“whalehorse”,我们能够发现walrus(海象)这个词是怎么来的。
- By reversing these words into " whale horse " we can see how the word walrus came about .
- 特威丹很友好地搂住自己的兄弟,说:“海象与木匠这首诗是最长的。”
- ' The walrus and the carpenter is the longest , 'tweedle-dum replied , putting a friendly arm round his brother .