
morse 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Primus financial chairman robert morse declined to comment when reached on his mobile phone .
- 当记者以手机联络到博智的财务长罗伯摩尔斯时,他拒绝发表意见。
- But surrounded by family and friends at balmoral sydney morse declared victoria unbent enough to speak a few words in the general direction of the graphophone 's mouthpiece .
- 西德尼莫尔斯说,在巴尔莫勒尔,女王在家人朋友的簇拥下身体微微前倾,朝着留声机话筒大致的方向说了几句话。
- Morse code is the same .
- 摩尔斯电码是相同的。
- Morse code is not a chore .
- 摩尔斯电码不是一个零工。
- I could not go myself but my friend and solicitor mr sydney morse took an instrument to scotland and had the honour of showing it to the delightful old lady .
- 我本人无法成行,但我的朋友,律师西德尼莫尔斯先生把一台留声机带到了苏格兰,有幸展示给那位可爱的老人。
- Ed morse has some land just like that outside council bluffs , iowa .
- edmorse在爱荷华州康瑟尔布拉夫斯有一些这样的土地。
- But gary morse from florida fish and wildlife feels the orange color might be from some environmental element .
- 但来自佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物研究所的garymorse说,他感觉这只橙色的鳄鱼是受到环境因素的影响。
- Morse says he 's certain that that is not einstein 's brain under dr. harvey 's knife in this never-before-seen picture .
- morse说在他从未曝光的照片中,他肯定harvey博士手术刀下的大脑一定不是爱因斯坦的大脑。
- Several senior yahoo executives were also named to a newly formed executive leadership council that will support mr. morse , the company said .
- 雅虎说,还任命了几位公司高管加入新成立的执行领导委员会,该委员会将支持莫尔斯的工作。
- Keys for marine morse signalling lamps .
- 船用摩斯信号灯电键。