- 破坏性地震一般是浅源地震。
- Devastating earthquake is generally shallow earthquake .
- 我是不是肤浅、贪心,像个机会主义者?
- Am I shallow , greedy and opportunist ?
- 患舞台着魔症的年轻人是更为柔弱、更为肤浅的品种。
- The stage-struck youth is of a softer and more shallow sort .
- 从年代或区域跨度来看,短肯定会意味着肤浅。
- In a chronological or regional treatment , short would surely mean superficial .
- 这是一个肤浅的时代;很少人为工作做好准备。
- It is a superficial age ; very few prepare for their work .
- 第新开店和不断推出新产品带来的增长是表面的。
- Third , opening new stores and launching a blizzard of new products create only superficial growth .
- 最后,添加些简单的东西。
- Just some simple finishing stuff .
- 这理论听起来简单有效。
- And this theory sounds simple .
- 他的研究方法比较简单。
- His method is fairly simple .
- 这做起来并不容易。
- That would not be easy .
- 这是比较容易的部分。
- That is the easy part .
- 但是这种生活方式得来不易。
- But this lifestyle doesn 't come easy .