- 抑郁影响绝经期症状吗?
- Does depression affect menopausal symptoms ?
- 希腊目前处于经济萧条当中。
- Greece is in economic depression .
- 萧条恐惧并未占得上风。
- Depression fear did not take off .
- 买一部辐射吸收标准低的手机吧。
- Look for a cell phone with a low sar .
- 欧元兑美元跌至一个月以来的低点。
- The euro fell to a one-month low against the dollar .
- 低廉的生活成本吸引了退休人员和南下越冬者。
- Low cost of living has attracted retirees and snow birds .
- 联合航空公司八二八次航班是在这个门吗?
- Is this the gate for the ua eight two eight flight ?
- 请问联合航空公司一二三次航班的行李是在哪条传送带?
- Which carousel is the baggage from ua one two three coming in on ?
- 我不是你所说的榆木脑袋。
- I 'm not , ua hammer , as you s.