- 斯库兹近些年成为自行车爱好者,运用体育术语解释为什么星巴克将在便利店而非自己的连锁店里售卖k杯咖啡。
- Schultz , who has become an avid bicyclist in recent years , used that sport 's terminology to explain why starbucks will start selling k-cups in grocery stores before its own cafes .
- 记住,k只可能是一个整数。所以,这个函数的定义域是k=012……
- Remember , k is an integer , so the domain of this function will be k n = - 0,1,2 , l , 1 .
- 这个k确定了,我们的选择不会最理想。
- K , which guarantees that our selection will not be optimal .
- 如果你把两只猕猴关在一个笼子里,刚开始它们会非常紧张,因为即使是一个最微小的动作,也会让它们把对方撕成碎块。
- If you put two macaque monkeys in a cage , they start off pretty tense , as even the slightest movement will have them tearing each other to pieces .
- 甚至就是放正确了纸张,还是有很多卡纸,撕纸或产生不读的现象。
- Even when it was the right way round , there were many cases of the paper jamming , tearing or producing unreadable results .
- 我哭着去找我妈妈,她解释说弟弟还只是个婴儿,他可能只是喜欢撕纸时发出的的声音。
- In tears , I went to my mother , who explained that he was just a baby , and probably liked the sound that the paper made when it was tearing .