- 安提比斯码头是欧洲最大的游艇停泊港,但是只有一个泊位足以停下“日蚀号”,却已被沙特王子阿尔瓦利德本塔拉尔(al-waleedbintalal)的游艇kingdom5kr占据了。
- Antibes is the largest yachting harbor in europe . But apparently , there is only one berth big enough for eclipse . But it was already taken by saudi prince al-waleed bin talal and his 265-foot yacht kingdom 5kr .
- 你的票上会印有你的车次、车厢和铺位号。
- Your train , coach and berth number will be printed on your ticket .
- 当2006年接手apm码头时,港口周边尽是些破旧的小镇,船只往往要等上30天才能停泊。
- In 2006 , when apm terminals took over , there were shanty towns in the port and vessels had to wait 30 days to berth .
- 水路运输企业和其他从事营业性运输的单位、个人必须按照国家规定缴纳税金、规费(港务费、船舶停泊费、航道养护费)和运输管理费。
- Water transport enterprises and other units and individuals engaged in profit-making transport must pay taxes prescribed fees ( harbour-dues , vessel berthage , navigational lane tolls ) and transport management fees .
- 传递到结构上的靠泊荷载,包括垂直。
- Berthing loads transmitted to a structure comprise .
- 他和难民们一起呆在下面的铺位上。
- He was berthing below with the refugees .
- 利用操纵杆控制器辅助锚泊的能力。
- Ability of berthing assisted by joy stick controller .
- 令人难以置信的360度全景村地段和地段滨水粗杂组合。
- Incredible 360 degree panoramic view estate lot and waterfront dockage lot combination .
- 成本和费用,涉及的注册费,煤气,诱饵,船只购买及保养工程业,保险业,大型汽车或卡车来拉你的船或停靠费,在一个码头。
- The costs and fees involved are registration fees , gas , bait , boat purchase and maintenance , insurance , a large vehicle or truck to pull your boat or dockage fee at a marina .