- 她在窗玻璃上擦拭的是罪之污点。
- What she rubs on the window is the stain of sin .
- 对于任何污渍,都一定要尽快处理。
- Always treat any stain as soon as you can .
- 轻轻地将啤酒搓擦进布料,这样污渍就会消失。
- Rub the beer lightly into the material , and the stain should disappear .
- 随后手术去除了那个点样病灶。
- Surgeons later removed that spot .
- 而且,现货价格容易波动。
- Spot prices are also volatile .
- 挑战在于如何发现这些机会。
- The challenge is to spot them .
- 这应该是一个污点吗?
- Should it still be a blemish ?
- 主要的竞争选手都各有污点。
- None of the main hopefuls is without blemish .
- 专家小组称这些章节是“我们国家的污点”,应该要即可废除,不必多等。
- The panel called these sections a " blemish on our nationhood " and said they should be repealed , not before time .
- 两位候选者都谴责这次诽谤。
- Both condemned the smear campaign .
- 批评运动的人必须面对的恶毒的诽谤。
- People who criticise the movement can face nasty smear campaigns .
- 通过血涂片可以诊断红细胞形态或大小方面的异常,及是否有红细胞寄生虫。
- A blood smear should be evaluated for abnormalities in rbc morphology or size and for rbc parasites .