
[ˈkuku, ˈkʊku]

cuckoo 变化形式
复数: cuckoos


cuckoo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Miles davis was a great artist but kind of a cuckoo clock .
- 迈尔斯戴维斯是一位艺术家但是有些像布谷鸟闹钟。
- Cuckoo hatchlings try a few random chirps before settling on the one that works .
- 杜鹃刚孵化的雏鸟会在试图解决一个工程之前学习一些随机的啁啾声。
- Listen for the first cuckoo of spring
- 听春天里的第一声布谷鸟叫
- In a typical cuckoo clock , a bird is pushed out the door by a folding ladder and does not move its body .
- 在普通的布谷鸟钟表上面,一只小鸟会被折叠梯推出门来,小鸟的身体不会移动。
- Probably , dr davies and dr welbergen have caught cuckoo and warbler in the middle of an evolutionary arms race .
- 也许戴维斯博士和韦伯尔根博士已经注意到了杜鹃和莺正处于一个进化的军备竞赛中。
- But it could also have been something to do with the mating habits of cuckoo birds .
- 不过,这也可能与布谷鸟的繁殖习性有关。
- Such is the mystery and folklore attached to the cuckoo that it has become one of the iconic sounds of spring - a sign that winter is finally over .
- 这就是受神秘的民俗重视的布谷鸟,它已成为春天到来的一个标志性的声音-这表明冬天终于结束了。
- I later discovered that the cuckoo has evolved to look like a falcon or hawk to frighten small birds off their nests , so she can lay her eggs there .
- 后来我发现,布谷鸟已经进化到可以伪装成像猎鹰或鹰一下去吓唬靠近他们鸟巢的其他鸟类,这样她才可以安心地产蛋。
- So why not get out and collect some frogspawn , spot a mad march hare or listen for the first cuckoo ?
- 所以为什么我们不出去走走呢?可以收集一些蛙卵,看看发情期发疯的野兔,听听第一声布谷鸟叫。
- The oed goes on : the cuckoo " does not hatch its own offspring , but deposits its eggs in the nests of small birds . "
- 《牛典》里又说:布谷鸟“不会为自己的下一代孵卵,它们总是把卵下到其他小鸟的巢里。”