- 在中式烹饪中,陈皮粉就是道很贵的佳肴。
- In chinese cooking , dried tangerine peel is an expensive delicacy .
- 色、香、味并非中华料理所应遵循的唯一的原则,食物中的营养价值也是值得关注的。
- Color , aroma , and flavor are not the only principles to be followed in chinese cooking ; nutrition is also an important concern .
- 在西方烹饪习惯中,柠檬经常被用来去除鱼腥味;而在中华料理中,大葱和生姜则起到类似的作用。
- In western cooking , lemon is often used to remove fishy flavors ; in chinese cooking , scallions and ginger serve a similar function .