- 希腊是否应该从自身利益出发、积极谋求退出呢?
- Should greece actively seek an exit , in its own interests ?
- 他在周一宣布不会谋求在2012年获得连任。
- He announced monday he wouldn 't seek re-election in 2012 .
- 至于中产阶级,法西斯主义不谋求对他们的没收。
- As for the bourgeoisie , fascism doesn 't seek their expropriation .
- 这是我唯一的请求。
- That is all I ask .
- 请他们尊重你的选择。
- Ask only that they respect this .
- 可以请你喝一杯吗?
- May I ask you for a drink ?
- 虽然这个系统常常有问题,但是最穷困的人也不至于去乞讨或者饿死。
- Though the system often fails , the poorest are not simply left to beg and starve .
- 我求你,开开门你会伤害到你自己的,你在做什么,露易丝?
- I beg ; open the door -- you will make yourself ill . What are you doing , louise ?
- 俄罗斯被迫像一些第三世界国家一样乞求人道主义援助。
- Russia was forced to beg for humanitarian aid , like some third-world country .
- 感谢您提出这样的请求。
- Thank you for your request .
- 以一个行动请求结束邮件。
- End with an action request .
- 感谢你们考虑我的请求。
- Thank you for considering my request .