- 又为殿作了严紧的窗棂。
- He made narrow clerestory windows in the temple .
- 在高处安装窗扉、窗扇、通风窗或可控制的扇形窗以增强对流。
- Installing higher level casement or sash windows , clerestory windows or operable fanlight windows to facilitate convective currents .
- 但开始的监视数据预示的住房市场状况如何呢?
- And what does the inaugural monitor say about housing-market conditions ?
- 他们时刻监视着销售情况。
- They monitor sales by the hour .
- 监管者缺少那种可以监视质量不连续数据的能力。
- The regulator lacked the capacity to monitor crunchier data on quality .