- 我没有碰到那个该死的键!
- I didn 't tap that damn button !
- 这该死的车又出故障了。
- The damn car broke down again .
- 写下自己的想法不等于开始那该死的游戏。
- Writing your idea down is not starting the damn game .
- 事实上,通过不花费一分钱的最有效成本及最快速的方式可以留住你现有的客户及挽回已失去的客户。
- The truth is that the most cost-effective and fastest way to grow your business without spending a dime is to keep the customers you have and reactivate past customers .
- 一角银币是一美元的十分之一。
- A dime is a tenth part of a dollar .
- 这星期你会得到一角钱作为奖金。
- You 're getting a bonus dime this week .
- 家是你挂帽子的地方。
- Home is where you hang your hat .
- 我挂上电话后他说道。
- He says when I hang up .
- 将它挂在你们的客厅或者卧室里。
- Hang it in your living room or bedroom .
- 但他好像遭受到了优胜者的诅咒。
- But he has suffered the favourite 's curse .
- 并且,它是对商业生产的咒骂。
- And a curse to business productivity .
- 过早获得巨大成功也可能是种诅咒。
- Big wins early on can be a curse .
- 他是个令人愉快的老家伙。
- He 's a pleasant old cuss .
- 你究竟怎么弄到这张卡的?
- How the cuss did you qualify for this ?
- 我们尝试驱赶他们,尝试驱赶他们,尝试诅咒他们。
- We try to hustle them , try to bustle them , try to cuss them .
- 南方最棒的菸草。
- The finest pipe-weed in south farthing .
- 他一个钱也不付,急急忙忙从这家商店跑到那家商店。
- Without paying a farthing he rushes headlong from one shop to another .
- 停着不走的日子也一样算。
- The days of rest to be paid for also -- not a farthing less ;